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US Senate Cybersecurity Bill Marks an Important Step Forward, Says BSA

16-Feb-2012 | Source : | Visits : 8420
WASHINGTON, DC - The Business Software Alliance (BSA) welcomed in a press release the introduction of a comprehensive package of cybersecurity measures in the US Senate.

“After years of starts and stops, the cybersecurity bill introduced in the Senate marks a significant step in the right direction,” said BSA President and CEO Robert Holleyman. “The bill includes a number of important new measures to enhance information sharing and research and development, and updates to existing laws that together will constitute a step forward. We are encouraged by the approach taken by the bill in attempting to balance security objectives. At the same time, we are mindful that we need to ensure innovation by continuing to be free of heavy handed regulation.”

“It is clear there will be an active debate on this bill as it moves forward, which is healthy given the importance of cybersecurity to our nation’s overall security, economy and ability to innovate,” Holleyman said. “Our national goal should be to put public and private institutions in the United States in a better posture to face security challenges. By reforming the Federal Information Security Management Act and promoting real-time information sharing between government agencies and industry, the bill should ensure that IT professionals who continuously monitor potential threats and are better able to respond to incidents in real time. The bill also harnesses one of America’s greatest assets — its innovative capacity — by providing new incentives and investments in research and development.”

“I commend Senators Lieberman, Collins, and a host of other Senators from both sides of the aisle for actively engaging and soliciting feedback from industry, public-interest groups, and other stakeholders,” said Holleyman. “It has been a constructive process so far, and BSA looks forward to continuing to work with Members of Congress in both parties on all solutions as the legislation moves forward.”

The Business Software Alliance is the leading global advocate for the software industry.

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