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Organizations Collaborate to Educate Teens about Anticounterfeiting - INTA

21-Apr-2019 | Source : INTA | Visits : 4761
SANTIAGO, Chile - The International Trademark Association (INTA), headquartered in New York, NY, with an office in Santiago, Chile, and the National Trade Foundation for Education (COMEDUC), based in Santiago, announced that they will be collaborating to educate students in Chile about the dangers of purchasing counterfeit goods and the importance of intellectual property (IP), a press release by the Association stated. 

During the 2019 academic year, the new initiative is expected to reach more than 3,000 freshmen students at 19 high schools in six cities in the country: Chillán, Curicó, Rancagua, San Fernando, Santiago, and Viña del Mar. The program will officially get underway on April 23 and April 26 with two presentations at Liceo Comercial Luis Correa Prieto in Santiago by INTA members Andrea Lobos and Rodrigo Sammut, both of Andes IP, Chile. 

The collaboration is part of INTA’s ongoing efforts through its Unreal Campaign to raise awareness of anticounterfeiting and other aspects of IP among teenagers through presentations and discussions led primarily by INTA volunteer members. This marks the Unreal Campaign’s first countrywide agreement.
“We are very happy that the partnership has prospered,” said Tatiana Arce, COMEDUC’s Educational Subdirector. “Implementing the Unreal Campaign means that we can add elements to the integral formation of our students; we will be delivering a training that is not only technical but also civic, and above all, human.”

The collaboration came about after INTA contacted COMEDUC in 2018 through the Chilean National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, to gauge the organization’s interest in participating in the Unreal Campaign. COMEDUC presents an excellent channel to implement the Unreal Campaign in Chile in a widespread way since the organization administers 19 schools in the country. 

“We greatly appreciate that COMEDUC recognizes the value in educating the younger generation about the rising threat of counterfeiting worldwide. Informing students about the dangers of purchasing fake goods and about the value of trademarks can help contribute to their own development as informed consumers as well as to the economic growth of Chile in the long run,” said José Luis Londoño, INTA’s Chief Representative Officer, Latin America and the Caribbean.

The total estimated global value of counterfeit and pirated goods, including digital piracy, is projected to reach US $1.90–2.81 trillion by 2022, according to The Economic Impacts of Counterfeiting and Piracy, a study prepared for INTA and the International Chamber of Commerce BASCAP (Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy).
Under the collaboration, all of the presenters will be INTA members, including lawyers from Alessandri; Andes IP; Claro & Cía.; CMS Carey & Allende; Concha y Toro; Cooper & Cía.; Guerrero Olivos SpA; Mackenna, Irarrázaval, Cuchacovich & Paz; Puga IP; Puma; and Silva.

INTA’s Unreal Campaign began in 2012, and has reached a total of 40,000 students in 37 countries, including one presentation in Chile to approximately 80 students in Santiago in 2017. In 2019 so far, the Unreal Campaign has reached 1,500+ students in six countries.

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