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New Commitment by China to Focus on Increasing Legal Sales of IP-intensive Products is a Welcome Sign, Says BSA

06-May-2012 | Source : | Visits : 9209
WASHINGTON, DC - The Business Software Alliance (BSA) welcomed new commitments from China to improve its protection of intellectual property rights and focus on increasing legal sales of IP-intensive products such as software in line with China’s status as a globally significant marketplace. According to the BSA, the commitments came in the fourth meeting of the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, held this week in Beijing.

“The commercial value of software piracy in China continues to mount year after year, because nearly four out of five programs are being installed illegally there. That wipes out legitimate sales of software from Chinese and multinational companies alike,” said BSA President and CEO Robert Holleyman. “It is encouraging that China now says it recognizes the importance of increasing sales of legitimate IP-intensive products. China is a huge market. I hope this will mark a significant turn in the fight against software piracy.”

“I commend Secretaries Geithner, Bryson, Clinton, and Ambassador Kirk for championing innovation and growth by putting intellectual property protection front and center in these important bilateral negotiations,” Holleyman said. “It is certainly welcome news that China has made additional commitments this week to extend its efforts to promote legal software use among enterprises and treat IPR owned or developed in other countries the same as IPR owned or developed in China. It is also encouraging to hear that China has agreed to intensive discussions that will focus on ensuring that technology transfer won’t be required as the price of market access. We need to see real results in the Chinese marketplace, including among state-owned enterprises.”


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